Thursday, April 25, 2013

Canonical's Ubuntu 13.04 Gets Released

The newest flavor of Ubuntu was released today which according to Maximum PC "benefits for all users because of Canonical's focus on lightweight systems means faster response times in casual use and a reduced memory footprint anyone can appreciate, regardless of system specs." The OS looks like a re-skinned version of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, so the user interface remains the same in 13.04. The OS is 794mb, which means unfortunately you'll have to burn this distro to a DVD if you plan on installing via disc. Another small downer is that 13.04 will only be supported for 9 months which is kind of a bummer. Hopefully soon Ubuntu users will receive another LTS distro, so they can have an OS that will last longer than 3/4 of a year. 
Here's a link to the download page.

-Chris Zele

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